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Friday, March 11, 2005


sharing the love

The blog world, I am finding out, is kind of small and circuituous. Lots of blog #1 links to blog#2 who links to blog#3 who links back to blog#1 type scenarios. Which I think is kind of cool.

One of the links I have in my list of blogs is to the blog of a guy named Jeshua Erickson. I ran across his blog through a random link off of someone else's blog, but after reading about him I found out he has spent time at Holden Village. So I started reading his blog, and listened to tidbits of his music. Now I'm a regular reader of his blog and I bought his CD. I recommend both. Go here to check him out.

Now, here is where it gets a bit circuituous... I followed one of the links on his blog, to check out the blog of a guy named Kent Gustavson. Kent is a fellow musician of Jeshua's, and also has spent some time at Holden. And wouldn't you know it, Kent has linked to my blog on his webpage! Weird... But, I've listened to tidbits of Kent's music, and read some of his blog now, too. In fact, I found out that Kent wrote Mountain Vespers, which is a bluegrass style vespers service that Holden Village uses often, and that I enjoyed during my short time in the village. So I recently, just yesterday in fact, ordered one of Kent's CDs and am anxiously awaiting its arrival. You can check Kent's music and blog out here.

Both Jeshua and Kent have a lot of good and interesting things to say and sing. And to share the love I am going to put Kent's blog in my blog list, so go check 'em out!!!

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