I guess you can say that lately I've been pondering the big questions of life. Questions that loom largely in the grand scheme of things. Unable to come up with acceptable answers on my own, I thought that I should share them with my blog audience. However, I'm not sure that some questions in life are ever able to be answered, but that shouldn't stop us from discussing them. Here are some of the questions I have been pondering:
Why is it that when you heat up raw hamburger on the stove or on a grill it is good to eat, but when you heat up raw hamburger because you left it on the counter in the sun too long, it is definitely NOT good to eat?
Why is it that when you warm up milk on the stove top or in the microwave it is good to drink, and is also said to help you relax and sleep better, but when you warm up milk because you left it sitting out of the fridge too long, it is definitely not good to drink, nor does it help you to relax or sleep better?
Why is it that when you forget about and leave a houseplant unattended in the corner of your house that it will wither and die, but if you forget about something and leave it unattended in the corner of your fridge that it most certainly does not die, but suddenly sprouts all kinds of new and thriving life forms?